Jackson Memorial North Miami Beac
Ryder Trauma Unit
The New Trauma Unit is part of Jackson Health Systems Trauma System and Emergency Care System expansion for Miami Dade County
The Trauma unit expansion consisted of significant modifications and alterations to the existing buildings functions. The existing administrative functions were moved elsewhere in the building and the existing rehab unit was modified and redesign reducing the foot print by 35% keeping the same equipment and functions.
The trauma Unit consist of 2 trauma/resuscitation rooms with glass fronts and common wall. An additional examination/treatment room was provided.
A new nurses station was provided with for emergency Radio Communication– The trauma Resuc Rooms include, Med Gas, Specialized lighting, HVAC to meet AHCA requirements. In addition the main HVAC unit was replaced.
The project included replacing the flooring, wall finishes, lighting fire protection and AC in the remodeled corridor. Trauma Suite - Remodel the existing corridor, administrative areas, and a portion of the Rehab.