Condominium Las Perlas
Gran Pacifica Nicaragua

The 64 unit condominium is located on the Pacific Ocean in the Villa del Carmen area of Nicaragua. The project incorporates local building technology, those specific to seismic, earthquake and hurricane force winds.

Due to the creative use of building amenities the maximum allowable building area was utilized.

The building materials utilized on the project are durable and affordable. Each component was analyzed for a zero maintenance facility. The building is constructed of reinforce masonry with reinforced slabs and the foundation is set on concrete cast piles with sheet pile retaining walls.

The exterior of the building contains ornamental aluminum railings, glazing and concrete to allow maximum views and visibility.
2100 Ponce De Leon Blvd, Suite 825 Coral Gables, FL 33134 | Ph. 305.234.0576 | E-mail: elewis@elamiami.com
Edward Lewis Architects, Inc. 2013 © Copyrights. All Rights Reserved.